Professor C. Jane Banfield wore a proud smile when the first class of five students graduated from York’s Law & Society Program in 1976. The late Professor Banfield served York for 30 years and founded the Law & Society Program, the first of its kind in Canada and York’s first interdisciplinary program.
Jane was dedicated to advancing the York community. She mentored students and worked as York’s first Advisor to the President on the Status of Women. Jane was a loyal annual supporter of the university and, in 2011, became a founding member of York’s White Rose Legacy Circle by including a bequest in her Will. After her passing in 2016, Jane’s devotion to York will now be permanently expressed through the C. Jane Banfield Scholarships.
"I can truthfully say that this had a considerable impact on my education and life this past year."
Erica LoTauro, York University, Bachelor of Commerce Student
Erica LoTauro, a Bachelor of Commerce student, was honoured to receive the C. Jane Banfield Scholarship for Women in Business, “I could not believe I was chosen to receive an award of such merit, and I can truthfully say that this had a considerable impact on my education and life this past year,” she says.
Erica promised to work hard and to give back to others in the way Jane gave back to her.
Through Jane’s thoughtful legacy gift to York, the impact of her generous spirit will live on in many generations of students ahead.
This is an edited version of an article that was originally published in the December 10, 2018 issue of YFile.