Dear Friends,
I want to thank you warmly for your support. As we live through what is a once in a generation experience disrupting every aspect of our lives, it has never been more important.
At York, we acted swiftly to respond to the pandemic, successfully transitioning to remote learning and services to maintain our teaching and research activities while keeping our community safe. I am grateful to everyone for their incredible efforts and want to acknowledge, in particular, those members who continue to provide required services on our campuses.
This transition was not without challenges, especially for our students, many of whom faced urgent need for financial aid. The boundless generosity of York’s alumni, donors and friends, who responded through donations, volunteering, and new student support initiatives has been inspiring, and we are deeply grateful for your efforts.
In the pages of this report, you will read about the resilience, strength and innovation that our community has shown amid this global crisis. This past spring, Senate approved our new University Academic Plan 2020-2025 focused on driving positive change. Our accomplishments over this past year have laid a strong foundation for our continued success, and as we emerge from the pandemic together, we hope that we can continue to rely on you, as well as your commitment, your knowledge, your inventiveness and your partnership, as we look to right the future in the world around us.
Yours sincerely,
Rhonda L. Lenton
President & Vice-Chancellor
York University