Professor’s impact on York’s new Markham Campus
Dr. Alice Pitt, a longstanding member of the York University community with nearly 30 years of service, has played a pivotal role in the university’s development. To ensure York continues to thrive, she established a lasting legacy for future students.
Loving legacy lasts longer than a lifetime
Distinguished Professor Anthony Richmond joined York University in 1965 as a founding member of the Department of Sociology. Decades later, his wife created a special scholarship in his name to support students in refugee studies.

Legal tips on beneficiary designations
Rebecca Studin, a partner at de VRIES LITIGATION LLP who specializes in a broad range of estate matters, shares important information on beneficiary designations to ensure your assets pass to their intended beneficiary.
Q&A with globetrotting alumna
When Linda Starodub returned to York’s Keele campus for the 50th anniversary of the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change (EUC), her commitment to supporting York students and their futures only strengthened.
For more information, or if you’ve already remembered York University in your Will and wish to join York’s special White Rose Legacy Circle, please contact:

Marisa Barlas
Director of Development, Legacy Giving
York University
4700 Keele Street, West Office Building
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3
Charitable Registration Number/
BN: 11930 6736 RR0001
The information provided in this newsletter is based on Canadian regulation and is general in nature. It does not constitute legal or financial advice and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional advice. We strongly encourage you to seek professional legal, estate planning and/or financial advice before deciding upon your course of action. For the purpose of legal documents, including Wills, our name is York University.